AAVE - Association Aéronautique du Val d'Essonne – Buno-Bonnevaux, France

Calif week   25TH May to 1st June


AAVE – Association Aéronautique du Val d’Essonne


  Calif week 2013

The following Calif will be present

no call sign come from city - regions name Hotel
1 F-CHPV France Buno Bonnevaux Fred Dautreppe  (host/ his home)
2 OO-YHD Belgium Balen Steven van Loven with Conny  
3 PH-1126 Netherland Tapis Volant group: Martin Peters, Koos Tromp, Ton Bakkenes, Johan Hoogendoorn, Robert Baars (?), Han Vos ?  
4 D-6462 Germany Essen (eat)  (The Red Calif) will be there with Marita, Jutta, Andreas and Thomas.  
5 D-6616 Germany Schwäbische Alb Team of Bartholomä with Tim & Saskia we stay here in the meeting-week
6 I-CCCP Italy Calcinate d.Pesce Ottavio-Nino Paolini  
7 D-6635 Germany Reinsdorf Rainer Strzeletz mit Yvonne + Tamino Camper
    Germany Schwelm Peter Gomolzig (Calif constructor & maintan.serv.)  
    US California Pedro de La Serna  
    Germany Schwäbische Alb Bernd Henzler father from Tim D-6616 Logis Hotel Ecu De France
    Netherland   Jeroen Bakker (a new owner of Calif from Australia)  
Dear FriendsYou left Bruno, already few week ago. And I suppose each retake his routine me in first. But to close this good time I have spend with you, I wanted to do an photo album to kept memories.So it's done, and I will share with you and all the planet to said what is the Calif family.. Regards Fred.-
Dear Fred, You did a great job, Calif friends, want not forget that, You are a very special Calif Friend. Kind regards, Octavio
  see here the album like:
In the year 2014 ...... who comes?  


  "Calif-week" shop

Association Aéronautique du Val d'Essonne  http://www.aave-buno.net
-Bonnevaux - Aérodrome
-  91720 Buno-Bonnevaux – France

Pour plus d’info/ For more info?
Contact: Frederic Dautreppe  (Fred.dautreppe@hotmail.fr)  

Tel:  Dom 33 (0)2 38 34 33 78
Tel:  Port 33 (0)6 11 87 86 58



Calif friend & owner web site:
